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REM Havana Baltic Wash Unit - Selection of Colours Available

Product Code:RM-SY-04678

With the Baltics ergonomic seating position and easy access for plumbing, the new 2021 Havana Baltic Wash Unit is a great addition to any Salon. Comes complete with water-saving shower head and white tilting Sumo ceramic basin for exceptional comfort. Includes monobloc mixing valve with chrome hand spray. You can add several features to your wash unit, a basin neck cushion, bottle trap, hair trap and a link unit if you are planning on combining several units. Customise the chair by choosing one or two different fabrics and your logo as high quality embroidery.

  • available in Pebble and Tailored Ebony
  • Removable rear access panel for easy plumbing
  • porcelain basin can be tilted
  • including one lever basin tap, with flexi connections and pull out handspray
No technical description available

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